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We would like to share a number of review comments from past participants of the Secondary Trauma Resiliency Training program.
"I have reached a point in my career where I feel it is definitely vital to my heart (and my work) that I take care of myself and the secondary trauma I face!"
"I will carry the lessons I learned in this training with me for the rest of my life."
"It has impacted at every level and I am grateful for that, eternally. It has impacted what my colleagues need. It feels, now, unethical to be doing this work without this training and these tools."
"This training has deeply impacted me and how I approach my work, clients, and organization. I feel that things within me have shifted with the awareness this training helped cultivate. I am incredibly grateful for the training as it came at a critical point in my professional and personal life!"
"It was even more impactful than I hoped for – and more importantly – even more needed for myself than I could have imagined."
"I approach my work from a new, healthier mindset. This has had significant impact on me both professionally and personally. Professionally, I’m more protected yet more available to my clients."
"By far the most valuable thing I’ve done in the past 15 years, including individual therapy."
"I believe the potential impact of this training on victims is profound."
"Helped define the reasons why I should stay in the domestic violence field."
"This was one of those rare occasions I felt safe & secure enough to divulge sensitive feelings to a group."
"A certain calm came to me as I realized how shared my feelings and experiences were. In my work now I’m more centered with increased concentration. The best training I have received on taking care of myself."
"I would recommend that anyone – or everyone – involved in victim assistance have the opportunity to attend."
"I feel it was one of the best trainings I’ve been to. I did go back to work revived."
"I am better at setting boundaries for myself. I am getting more satisfaction from my job. Was a light switch that turned on for me. I’ve known something was missing, just didn’t know what it was!"
"Anyone who has done victim work for longer than a year needs this. I would make this mandatory for my people."
"Whew!! I’m reeling from the impact! Thank you."
"Awesome training! So amazing. I have been recommending it to everyone I know! My life feels fuller after having attended."
"This training will allow me to keep promises I made to myself."